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Two books about birds


Staff member
Mar 22, 2024
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How to Bird by Rasha Hamid

Published by Free Spirit Publishing

How Birds Sleep by David Obuchowski, illustrated by Sarah Pedry

Published by minedition

Summary: These two books about birds encourage kids to be curious about the world around them. In How Birds Sleep, the author and illustrator explore the unusual ways birds slumber, including sleeping while flying, hanging upside down, or standing on one leg. Each page or spread has an illustration of the resting bird, labeled, with a few sentences of text. The back matter includes additional information about birds’ sleep, the effects of climate change, and how the book came to be written. While there hasn’t been a lot written on the topic, there are three additional resources listed.

How to Bird is a bright, colorful celebration of birding, illustrated with photos of kids getting out in the city to observe the birds. Different birders have different superpowers, such as keen observation, good listening, and fast counting. The emphasis is on the fun and easy accessibility of birding, which requires little more than being curious and getting outside. Includes an author’s note, a list of questions to think about, birding words with definitions, and additional resources. Both books are 40 pages; ages 4-8.

Pros: I love how both authors encourage kids to go outside and look at the world around them. The illustrations in both books are eye-catching and add to the appeal of birds and birdwatching, and the additional information at the end makes them both great resources for older readers.

Cons: I was curious as to how long birds sleep each night, but that wasn’t covered.
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